男,博士,助理研究员,硕导,山东省科学院生态研究所。办公电话:15996313841,移动电话:+86 15996313841, E-mail:tianyuan198712@163.com。
1.山东省自然基金 基于亚细胞层面的叶类蔬菜镉生物利用度影响机制及预测模型构建研究
2.山东省重点研发计划子课题 养殖废物污染特征及土壤承载力研究
3.山东省重点研发计划子课题 河湖一体化管理平台技术研发
4.国家重点研发子课题 落地油预防措施与油田开采清洁技术研发
5.政府委托项目 山东省资源环境承载力评价
6.政府委托项目 济阳区全国第二次污染源普查质量控制
1.Cadmium transfer from contaminated soils to the human body through rice consumption in southern Jiangsu Province, China
2.Incorporating bioaccessibility into human health risk assessment of heavy metals in rice (Oryza sativa L.): A probabilistic-based analysis.
3. The estimation of heavy metals in rivers sediments in changjiange river delta by visible/near infrared(vis/nir)spectroscopy.
4. Multivariate linear regression model for source apportionment and health risk assessment of heavy metals from different environmental media
5. Assessing the Distribution Characteristics of Surface Water Geochemistry and Pollution of Heavy Metals within Soil in the Changjiang River Delta, China